
Refit the water line to the 1550 gallon tank at the top of the property
and pumped a tank of water.

The concrete dolly will roll under the building and deliver the
concrete to where it is needed. 1 1/3 cubic feet at a time.

Sand, gravel and cement ready to be mixed, almost.

Piled brush for burning next winter. Moved canned food to
temporary storage. 30 dozen quarts of fruit and tomatoes.

Dry storage reorganized, I am going to build shelves.

Reorganized H&A stuff.

Pitch from a pine tree. I gathered 168 grams.

Double boiler made from two cans. About an hour to get it melted
and big debris out. Add 3 grams bees wax to keep it sticky.

Wax paper tube as a form. Shaped into bar 128 grams. Now to
fletch some arrows.

Pruned the flume ditch. Found a Yew Berry, Pretty but
deadly. Looks like Xmas.

Chain put away after moving logs. Some of it was rusty, a shovel
of gravel and water and into the mixer... 15 minutes and clean chain!

After 26 years, the door fell apart, fixed it with clear wrap and tape.
Bought a new fridge. Getting all the canning jars cleaned and put away.

More sauce, 36 Quarts.

Fire wood.

Cedar, they smell so good. We don' t cut the live ones, sometimes
they just die.

Going to the wood shed.

So what did Karen do on her 63rd birthday. Cut firewood!
Lilly too.

Always nice to see.

Now to get the saw mill here.

Just a little bit more.

He is helping.

He is not happy he has a beer, he is happy we are done for the day.

More trees down the hill.

This morning's pickings.

29 Quarts of Tomato Sauce

So It rained 1/2 inch last night.

34 Quarts.

No rest for the wicked.

The Hazel Nuts are getting bigger, I have to watch them closely because
the Squirrels are too!

The bees have been in their new hive two weeks, I added a shelf to keep
them out of the soapy insect trap in the pans. Bottles.

Down the hill with cable and snatch block (big pulley for steel cable).

4 wheel drive in low range.

Pry bars and muscle.

Only 20 or so to go.

Jacked up the building and put it on a steel girder, now to pour
concrete under it and finish it!

Cleaned and repaired Big Pressure Cookers, that is a quart jar.

To protect the apiary I needed post, then pound them in, but they are
10 ft tall, build a tool, go to work.

Push it up as far as you can and let it slam down, pile driver.

So when it is in, get the driver off with another tool, like having a
whale on a fishing pole.

Do it again

Here it comes. Now dig a hole for the gate post.

Take the dirt out by hand, then more jackhammer.

Any deeper and I will be eating dirt. OK about right.

Drill for the hardware. Gate is up.

Put up the fencing. With a few more wires it will be done.
Next electrify!

Put together a stool for Karen.

Worked on the irrigation system. Now the garden waters itself.

Karen split and seeded and then dehydrated these cherries for the
trail. Sun dried!

Sprayed Poison Oak

First three rows, 21 quarts of Bing Cherries.

So what you cooking Jimmy? Amalgam.

Cleaned and ready to sell. About $21.00

The garden has finally started to grow.

Dennis finds a penny weight in one crack. That is 24 grains.

Dennis knows how much water to use, especially when he checks the box.

Fair Play, 50 years ago no trees stood inside the mine.

Scales, calibrated and ready to go.

Sprayed Round up on the Poison Oak on the flume ditch.

We captured a swarm of bees last week and today we put them into their
new home.

New Top Bar Bee hive open and ready for the Sycamore Bees.
Lighting the Smoker.

Opening the trap I did not know what to expect. Our first comb
goes into the new Top Bar Hive.

The combs keep on coming, full of Honey and Bees.

The zip ties hold old comb to bate the trap, they cleaned it and have
honey stores in it already, about 10 days.

I could not believe it.

All in all, we got 4 lb. of bees and 7 combs.

A small reward. Closing up.

Yummy! Set to be left alone for a while.